Helping you talk with kids about God’s design for the body, relationships and sex
Every parent or person working with youth longs for those children in their sphere of influence to flourish; we are all well aware that there is a conversation that is absolutely essential to flourishing. With fear and uncertainty, we make veiled references to “the talk” with our children that looms in our future, the one about the birds and the bees, about how babies are made, about sex. We are desperate to find a compelling yet practical approach to this challenge and to discover THE conversation.
NEW companion workbooks now available!
Now, in response to many reader requests, the Before the Sex Talk Companion Workbooks will help you take these conversations one step further by offering guidance for expanding your conversations with more detail, more prompts, and a step-by-step discussion/activities plan. All of this will help you to confidently engage these foundational concepts with your children.
Our SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS can give you the resources you need to help you talk with kids about God’s design for the body, relationships and sex. It's never too early to start this conversation and never too late to rediscover it. Parents and mentors of children from birth through adulthood will benefit and are invited to attend a workshop nearby or find out about hosting a workshop or seminar.
Discover our RESOURCES to help you along the way. Listen to Podcasts as we share portions of our workshop content. Read our Blog articles. Get answers to your questions on our Q & A page. Download helpful resources to initiate Conversations.
“Yay!! My whole world is changed and everyone around me has to hear about it.”
“I met “the Lindas” when they traveled to Pennsylvania to take one of my courses at the Theology of the Body Institute. I’m delighted to hear that they are bringing what they’ve learned into the evangelical world. This good news is so desperately needed in our culture, one that is so confused about the body, sex, and marriage. Before the Sex Talk is a practical tool that will help equip parents and mentors to cast a biblical vision of sex - not just the moral vision, but the splendor of the divine story our bodies tell - that will profoundly impact the hearts and minds of the children they influence. Christopher West, Th.D. (President, Theology of the Body Institute, Author, Our Bodies Tell God’s Story: Discovering the Divine Plan for Love, Sex & Gender)”
““As I sit in your class, my heart is filled with so much joy. Your presentation is excellent, it is informative, but more than that it has heart and flows so very well. You are both so gifted and I feel God’s presence and blessing upon you. Your presentation is rich and I know is a blessing to those attending. God go before you both and expand your ministry.” ”