About THE conversation

Our mission is to help you to have THE conversation that will lead the children in your life to access the kind of life that flourishes. After attending one of our workshops, we invite you back to this website to find podcasts, blog posts, a place to pose questions that come up post workshop or in the midst of conversations, and downloadable conversation guides.

The Source

In search of something more compelling than the sex and relationships talks we heard as teenagers in youth group, and with an urgent realization as parents and educators that the typical church curriculum was not guiding our children to long term choices leading to a flourishing life, God directed us to a teaching called Theology of the Body. This teaching originated with a hero of the faith, Pope John Paul II, and is based on 1,043 verses of scripture. It encompasses the entire Biblical narrative describing God’s invitation of union with Himself, inscribed in the design of the human person. We recognize its unique vision and beauty as a gift to The Church, not just to the Catholic community. Much of the content of our workshop is derived from this transformative teaching. We are passionate about passing this life giving message on to those who find themselves seeking for MORE for our children.


Linda Noble


Linda, a graduate of Biola University with a degree in Christian Education, has never been satisfied with answers that seem to be less than compelling. As a parent, mentor, educator and curriculum writer, she came to recognize that it was absolutely essential to begin a search for answers regarding God’s vision for the body, relationships and sex. Several years ago, in the course of this search, she was introduced to the teaching that deeply resonated with her at once; Theology of the Body. This is a dense, big picture teaching and she discovered that it was quite a task to digest it’s truths, let alone to communicate it. Twice, Linda took advantage of the opportunity to attend Christopher West’s dynamic week long courses on the subject in Pennsylvania in addition to multiple forays into books and other resources.

Linda has conducted multiple classes, workshops and seminars introducing Theology of the Body at Journey Community Church in La Mesa where her husband is the lead pastor. The need for a resource that would help parents to teach their children became apparent as they approached her after each of these sessions to ask for help. Linda Stewart, a friend and former coworker, and Linda Noble joined forces, working together for two years to create THE conversation and are excited to meet a need previously unmet.

Linda is the mother of three adult children and grandmother to three. She has been volunteering at the church for 20 years writing curriculum, speaking and teaching, facilitating small groups and mentoring. She serves on staff as the Ministries Director which has enabled her to expand her work at Journey Community Church. Linda has the privilege of serving on the Board Of Directors for Be Broken Ministries. In addition, Sacred Life Curriculum, written by Linda for children K-12, has been published by an arm of Nazarene Publishing: Barefoot Ministries.

Linda Stewart

Linda Stewart grew up NEVER wanting to talk about sex, let alone bodies, and was completely surprised by life when she found herself speaking to students about unintended pregnancy and prenatal development in the health classes of San Diego area high schools for 7 years. Her love of meaningful interactions and desire to step into the shoes of others contributed to her increasing awareness that the questions students asked about relationships, sex, and life choices indicated a longing for a more meaningful understanding of themselves and their lives. Linda was disappointed, however, that there wasn’t a vision comprehensive and honoring enough to invite them into when it came to the students’ questions about sex and relationships; until, she was introduced to Theology of the Body by friend and colleague Linda Noble. Linda Stewart was so grateful for the opportunity to learn more with Linda Noble by attending a Theology of the Body immersion course in Pennsylvania. 

Linda Stewart graduated from Biola University with her undergraduate degree in psychology and a Masters in Counseling Psychology from National University. Her previous experience speaking to students in the classroom mingled with her experiences as a parent, small group facilitator at church and now in the therapy room, confirmed for Linda what she and Linda Noble had been discussing – that Theology of the Body was too important and could transform the way an individual viewed herself and others, therefore leading to real life change. This resulted in developing THE Conversation with Linda Noble, which has been so transformative that Linda Stewart now enjoys and always looks forward to sharing this beautiful vision for the body, relationships and sex.

A Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Linda enjoys integrating Theology of the Body into her therapeutic work with women and couples at her group practice, Collaborative Therapy Center in Carlsbad, CA. This has also allowed Linda and Linda Noble to collaborate further on the development of a Theology of the Body model to provide other therapists a theological and therapeutic conceptualization for the body that integrates the inherent value of the human body into the client’s view of self. She has the honor to serve on the Board Of Directors for Sexual Integrity Leaders, Inc. Linda is also an adjunct professor, teaching Human Sexuality at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego.

Together, the Lindas have written a book, “Before the Sex Talk: A Theology of the Body Approach for Parents and Mentors.” Be on the look-out for their two new companion books launching in Spring 2024. Most recently Linda Noble and Linda Stewart have collaborated with The Identity Project. In 2023 The Lindas collaborated with Pure Life Academy to create the e-course, Family Integrity: The Need for Freedom. They have been invited to present at the American Association of Christian Counselors Worldwide Conferences, the Sexual Integrity Leadership Conference, a National Leadership Conference based out of Dallas, Texas and for parents and mentors in their own church contexts. In addition they’ve been honored as invited guests on nationally known podcasts.